just email me: margaridalberty@sapo.pt while you are in Portugal
and let me know what time is most convenient for you
to come to
Av. Portugal, 616 A 2765-272 ESTORIL
You can also call me on: 351 963589797 or 214681571
I just found out that I was included in all NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC GUIDES about PORTUGAL
This one below in French!
Tile Painting with Margarida Alberty
We'll go through all the techniques of tile painting... it's great fun!
The portuguese style:
The designs have been punched with a needle and then we’ll go over them with a charcoal doll to print the design onto the tile.
Normally it’s only blue that is used to paint it.
You can choose from a large variety of designs the ones you wish to print out.
The tracing style.
The tile is covered with dark paint (any color or colors) and then with a fine estilete you can draw whatever you wish. The trace will be white.
The transfer style
You choose any design from a book, magazine or even your drawing and you copy it to the tile with a charcoal pencil. Then you paint it as you wish and you can use all kinds of colors.
The 3 D style
You can paint anything on the tile and then ad and decorate with little or large pieces of broken tiles.
The stencil and rubber stamp style
You can use stencils and rubber stamps on the tiles and the images will come out just like on canvas or paper.
The glass style
You can draw what you like and then ad pieces of glass which will melt when it’s fired.
That leads you to unexpected forms.
The panel style
You can make a panel using a composition of 6, 9 and 12 tiles.
* 6 hour workshop, full day (2 tiles included) : 60 € per person
* Each extra tile costs 5 € (glazing included)
* Shipping costs are : 12 €
Frames and boxes with tile available!
Free Style with collage of bits of broken tiles
After being painted, tiles must be fired in a huge oven at 1200 degrees centigrade to get their glaze!
If you wish, I can take you to visit this amazing factory !
Here are some tiles painted by the students... They came out really well....FREE STYLE!
Many churches, old houses, fountains and railway stations are covered
with beautiful hand-painted tiles.
Margarida offers other workshops too:
- Crazy Hats
- Rag dolls
- Masks
- Napkin Collage
- Styrofoam sculpture
- Creative sewing
- Painting on glass
- Rock Creatures
- Altered ART
- Jewelry
- Intuitive Painting